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Signs It Might Be Time to Hire a Caregiver – FirstLight Home Care

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Families often face various obstacles in ensuring their loved one’s well-being. Recognizing the signs that indicate the need for professional caregiving services is crucial. FirstLight Home Care stands as a trusted provider of in-home caregiving solutions, offering comprehensive and compassionate professional caregiving assistance. When your loved one’s needs have extended beyond a little bit of extra support, it might be time to consider in-home care.

They Need Help with Personal Hygiene

If you’ve noticed a change in your loved one’s dressing or bathing habits, it could be an early sign of a decline in their health and an indication that they need extra care.

They’re Not Safe Living on Their Own

If your loved one has left the house and got lost, they’ve mentioned or you’ve noticed a decline in their vision or hearing or they are experiencing mobility issues, it may be time for professional caregiver assistance. Other situations, like multiple slips and falls, chronic forgetfulness or not eating regularly can also be red flags that professional care is needed.

They’re Missing Doctor’s Appointments

With age, comes more doctor’s appointments. If, however, your loved one is missing them because they forget, they don’t want to leave the house or they are not able to drive, it could dramatically affect their overall health.

They’re Lonely

Chronic isolation harms physical, emotional and mental health. A caregiver can ensure your family member is getting the company and conversation they need by visiting with them regularly, playing games or cards or even sharing a meal. 

They Exhibit Physical and Emotional Changes

If you’ve noticed physical or behavioral changes in a family member or someone close in your life, it may be time for them to get help. Noticeable changes in physical health include: unexplained weight loss or gain, difficulty managing personal hygiene and increased frequency of accidents or falls. Cognitive decline is also a potential cause for concern and could be anything from forgetfulness and memory issues to difficulty in making decisions. FirstLight Home Care specializes in compassionate care for individuals experiencing cognitive decline. 

The Case for Hiring a Caregiver

Many adults today are part of the Sandwich Generation, providing caregiver services to their parents while also raising their own children. This can put a lot of stress on the family. At FirstLight Home Care, our goal is to alleviate that stress. 

When you realize that an older adult in your family needs extra help, a few options come to mind: move them to an assisted living community, hire a professional caregiver or move in with them to do the caregiving yourself. This is a challenging decision for many people and requires some serious thought. Before you make a decision, consider these points:


According to an AARP report, family caregivers are estimated to have provided 36 billion hours of unpaid care worth $600 billion in 2021. The average family caregiver also spends more than $7,200 a year in out-of-pocket costs for transportation and other needs. Many adult child caregivers have to leave their jobs to properly take care of their loved ones. Without a job, you not only lose income but also lose input to social security and a personal retirement fund. 


Your loved one may need trips to the doctor, medications, help with paying bills, cooking and cleaning help, etc. If you take this on yourself, it could mean less time with your own family and friends and less flexibility for days off or vacation time.

Personal Health

Consider the toll it can take on the overall well-being of a family caregiver. The longer a family member spends as a caregiver, the more likely they are to put their own health at risk.


If you plan to take care of your parent or loved one, there are many logistics to consider. Will you stay in your home or move in with them? Do you have the time to look after them? What is your work schedule like? Are you able to provide transportation?

Emotional Toll

While caregiving has many rewards, it can often result in chronic stress or depression and can even bring on feelings of anger, frustration and loneliness.

Caregiver Services – FirstLight Home Care

If you are considering being the primary caregiver for a loved one, weigh these options and see if you can manage your time, money and health well enough to do so. If the answer is no, and your loved one wishes to stay at home, then it might be time to hire a caregiver from a reputable, professional caregiver assistance program like FirstLight Home Care. Reach out today for more information. 

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