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Nursing Home Transition Diversion Program (NHTDP)
A Nursing Home Transition Diversion Program (NHTDP) is designed to assist individuals in transitioning from a nursing home or other institutional setting back into the community, with the goal of promoting independent living and improving their overall quality of life. Policies related to such programs may vary by state or organization.
TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) Waiver Program
A Nursing Home Transition Diversion Program (NHTDP) is designed to assist individuals in transitioning from a nursing home or other institutional setting back into the community, with the goal of promoting independent living and improving their overall quality of life. Policies related to such programs may vary by state or organization.
Regional Resource Development Center (RRDC)
The Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Waiver program is administered through a network of RRDCs, each covering specific counties throughout the State. The RRDC at ARISE covers Onondaga, Oneida, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, St. Lawrence, Oswego, and Madison counties. The staff at the RRDC accept referrals, complete intakes, determine eligibility and approve community-based service plans. The RRDC provides oversight to a network of agencies who provide the wavier services to eligible participants. These waivers provide an opportunity for individuals who are Medicaid eligible to receive services in the community rather than in an institution.