Home Care Services
in Greensboro

Trusted Caregivers in Guilford County Serving the Piedmont Triad Since 1999
The team at FirstLight Home Care of Greensboro is happy to provide exceptional home care and elderly caregiver services to the communities of Greensboro, High Point, Jamestown and beyond. Our professional and compassionate caregivers are ready to help whenever you or a loved one needs assistance at home. We offer everything from companion care and personal senior care to rehabilitation care, and even leverage technology to help keep your loved ones safe.
Greensboro Home Care
FirstLight Home Care of Greensboro provides private home care services that allow seniors and other adults to receive the support they deserve in a comfortable, familiar setting. To learn how a compassionate in-home caregiver can improve your loved one’s quality of life, take a look at our care services below.

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Home Care You Can Trust in

Exceptional Greensboro In-Home Caregivers
Life is unpredictable and sometimes we need extra support to keep our loved ones safe and cared for, or to guide us through a short-term issue. We are honored to help families in Guilford County, including Greensboro, High Point and Jamestown through these challenges, enhancing quality of life for you and your loved ones with private home care and caregiver services.
Our services range from companion and personal care for seniors, to disability services and skilled nursing care. We offer short-term and long-term solutions and can be available to provide care a few hours a week or even around the clock. FirstLight Home Care of Greensboro even utilizes AI technology to keep your loved ones safe. Providing earlier intervention, prevention and treatment alteration, the AI platform works to detect issues with mobility, balance and medication consistency, as well as other issues that, once identified, can be discussed with the family and corrected.
Beyond that, our caregivers are highly trained and each is handpicked for your family based on your tailored home care program and the specific needs of your loved one in Greensboro or throughout the Piedmont Triad. Our skilled professionals consult closely with your family to develop a home care program, whether it involves assisting a loved one a few hours a week, or whether 24-hour care is required.
We hope you will consider us as an extended family member, someone you can call on to help you face even your most difficult challenges. We are ready to provide guidance, companionship, peace of mind and compassionate care when it’s most needed.
What Sets Our Home Care Company Apart in North Carolina
We exist to help people have their best day, every day. The care and support we provide allows adults to age with comfort, dignity and independence wherever they call home. We understand that every caregiving situation is unique and have built a trustworthy team who is dedicated to meeting your family’s needs, whether it’s a few hours of help each week or full time in-home assistance.
With FirstLight Home Care of Greensboro you can also expect:
- Trained in-home caregivers who are empathetic, compassionate and committed to building relationships built on trust and respect.
- A team focused on listening and learning so that we may design the best care plan for your family.
- A holistic approach to care that supports your loved one physically, emotionally and socially.
- The guidance you need to make the most informed choices.
- Implementation of AI technology to further complement your loved one’s care.
Your loved one deserves more than having someone who simply keeps them company. They deserve a caregiving team that is passionate about creating meaningful relationships and motivated to do more simply because they care.
For home care you can trust, call FirstLight Home Care of Greensboro at (336) 808-1351.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does FirstLight Home Care of Greensboro utilize AI technology in home care services?
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