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FirstLight Home Care - Holiday Blessings – Health of Our Loved Ones

Holiday Blessings – Health of Our Loved Ones

From our Care Blog

Holidays throughout the year are filled with excitement and joy. Most families look forward to holiday seasons as a time to gather family together, celebrate and look forward to another year. The holidays bring a time for thankfulness, tradition, reflection and hope. Traditions bring fond memories; although for families experiencing issues that come with aging family members such as complex medical conditions or dementia the holidays may mean rising concerns with new challenges. Many of us who live a long distance from parents and are in the "sandwich generation" are at an age where we may still be working, have...

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FirstLight Home Care - Veteran’s Day and corduroy lovers

Veteran’s Day and corduroy lovers

From our Care Blog

I read a peculiar story on The Wall Street Journal’s website this morning. Apparently, today is not only a day of honor and remembrance for the 24.9 million military veterans in the U.S., but it’s also a big day for corduroy lovers. Yes, the material. The ribbed textile lovers make up the 5,000 members of the Corduroy Appreciation Club and for them, no day gets better than today—11.11.11—which clearly symbolizes the vertical lines of the beloved fabric. If corduroy isn’t your thing, you can still honor our nation’s veterans and active duty service members, for the protection they provide is...

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Featured image for post Identifying family caregivers

Identifying family caregivers

From our Care Blog

National Family Caregivers Month started out as a weeklong celebration during the Thanksgiving holiday and has grown to encompass the entire month of November while gaining a following nationwide. National Family Caregivers Month was created as a time to thank, support, educate and empower family caregivers, an ever-growing role as our nation’s elderly population ages. With over 65 million family caregivers in the United States, it’s a topic that many people are personally affected by. According to the National Family Caregivers Association (NFCA) President and CEO Suzanne Mintz, the ongoing theme for this year’s message is Identifying Family Caregivers. This...

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Featured image for post Gift certificates for caregiving services? Get ‘em here!

Gift certificates for caregiving services? Get ‘em here!

From our Care Blog

Anyone who’s experienced first-hand the rewards and challenges of caring for an elderly loved one can attest to how stressful it can be, especially if you can’t take time off for yourself.  This week we launched FirstLight Home Care Instant Gift Certificate – an online program that allows you to purchase gift certificates for our professional caregiving services through a secure website. With the holidays around the corner, this is a great gift for anyone looking for respite care, or people who want to test out our services. Call or visit your nearest location today to find out details.

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Featured image for post Defining your resources in a crisis

Defining your resources in a crisis

From our Care Blog

Guest blogger Joni Aldrich addresses the importance of being able to ask for help when you need it. Here are her tips on how to ask for and accept help and on how to identify who is best for each situation.   As you go through any type of life crisis, you may need support from people who care. As you seek help, consider it a delegation process—not a burden. Many of us are too proud to ask for help from others, even if we realize that people care and want to offer support. Get past that, and accept help...

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Featured image for post “I don’t believe you just said that!” 7 statements to question in your cancer fight

“I don’t believe you just said that!” 7 statements to question in your cancer fight

From our Care Blog

Today we bring you another guest post from Joni Aldrich, renowned author and speaker. The expression “sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never harm me” is not true. When you’re fighting for your life against cancer or any critical illness, words can make all of the difference in the world. For Gordon and I, the first “I don’t believe you just said that!” moment came during the initial visit to his oncologist. We had found a treatment facility for his type of cancer in Little Rock, Arkansas. When we asked that first oncologist about a referral,...

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Featured image for post FirstLight in the news! Gina Kaurich shares her tips on hiring a caregiver

FirstLight in the news! Gina Kaurich shares her tips on hiring a caregiver

From our Care Blog

Anyone who has had to find an in-home caregiver for an aging parent or relative can attest to the difficulty in finding someone trustworthy, qualified and responsible enough to provide care for a loved one. Gina Kaurich, FirstLight Home Care’s executive director of client care services, was recently interviewed by about things to consider when looking for a caregiver. One of Gina’s suggestions was to try a “share-care” with other family members. This is what she and her in-laws did with her mother-in-law Martha who suffers from Alzheimer’s. According to Gina, you should ask yourself how much time you’re...

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FirstLight Home Care - Using Your Sweet Tooth to Fight Alzheimer’s

Using Your Sweet Tooth to Fight Alzheimer’s

From our Care Blog

Let’s be honest, most of us don’t need a reason to enjoy a milkshake, especially in the summer! Now milkshakes may have gotten even better. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, there is now a milkshake for Alzheimer’s patients. It is estimated that 1 in 8 people over the age of 65 are affected by the disease, which is associated with memory loss, decreased judgment and personality changes. The new milkshake treatment, Axona, which is available by prescription only, provides energy to the brain, providing short-term positive effects in cognition and memory. Whether this is an option...

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FirstLight Home Care - Disaster preparedness for older adults

Disaster preparedness for older adults

From our Care Blog

As nature is hitting us with all forces across the nation; hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, and floods, a key resource for eldercare is an emergency supply kit. Each older adult’s needs and abilities are unique, but every older adult can take important steps to prepare for all kinds of emergencies and put plans in place, even when residing in retirement community. Start by evaluating personal needs when making an emergency plan. A commitment to planning today will help prepare the older adult for any emergency situation. Consider how a disaster might affect your individual needs. • Plan to make it on...

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Featured image for post The doctor is a month?

The doctor is a month?

From our Care Blog

Today we bring you another guest post from eldercare expert Joni Aldrich. This month, she offers suggestions for the post-diagnosis medical waiting. If you’ve recently been diagnosed with an illness, waiting for that next phone call from your doctor or specialist can be agonizing. Here are some ideas to help you prepare for what lies ahead (and that will help that month fly by!). The days and weeks following the diagnosis of a serious illness can be torturous. After the initial shock wears off, most patients and their caregivers are anxious for the next step so that they can begin...

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