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5 Healthy Tips To Avoid Weight Gain During The Holidays

SugarCookiesThe holidays are here and no one wants to be around a killjoy at a Christmas party or a family get-together because they’re trying to avoid the temptations of the season’s high-calorie bounty and dodge the gift of a few additional pounds this season.

Whether it’s one, three, or seven pounds, experience says that most of us will gain weight between now and New Year’s Day because of those darn frosted cookies, eggnog, chocolate, candies and more lurking around the office, at the neighbors, and in your own home. To make the most of the season and keep the holiday weight off, here are 5 key tips from our Nurse Gina to apply to your life to ensure you can enjoy a fun and healthy holiday season.

  1. Control temptation: Avoid arriving to the party hungry. Have a nutritious snack beforehand. If you do arrive hungry because you’re coming straight from a day of holiday shopping, drink some water to fill up before filling your plate.
  2. Limit your alcohol intake: Okay, we know the holidays are filled with parties and gatherings with people that may stress you out. Try to avoid drinking too much alcohol at these gatherings (even if your mother is hounding you about when you’re going to find a good man and settle down). If you consume a lot at these gatherings you will lose control over what you eat. If you feel out of place without a drink, try sipping on a glass of club soda and lime – so you have something in your hand like everyone else.
  3. Re-think what you bring to the party: Whether you’re going to a friend’s party or an office potluck, consider bringing a low-calorie treat that you know you, and others, will enjoy. You do not need to bring typical, high-calorie holiday fare. You can get away from rigid thinking about what holiday food has to be and bring a beautiful plate of fruit.
  4. Exercise: It’s that simple. Stay active and take 30 minutes out of your day every day during the holidays for exercise. On days you know you’ll be eating more than your typical day, give yourself another 10 to 15 minutes of exercise. Not only will this make you feel good, it will also help reduce holiday stress that so many people feel during this time of year.
  5. Stay hydrated: While rushing around shopping and preparing for guests, it’s easy to forget to drink plenty of water. Try to get in at least eight glasses a day. Your body easily confuses being hungry and being thirsty, so drinking water regularly will keep you from eating when what you really need is to drink.

We know that this time of year it’s nearly impossible to avoid parties bulging with buffets of tasty food and drink. But you can avoid the holiday weight gain trap by setting up a plan and sticking to it. For more tips, tricks, and motivational messages from Nurse Gina on how to avoid weight gain during this festive season, join us over on Facebook.

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