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Home Care For the Holidays

When we talk about home care at FirstLight Homecare, we are usually referring to our home healthcare services. However, as the holidays are upon us, I began to think of the other “home care” services I could get my parents for the holidays.

Every year I wrestle over what to get my parents. They are in their late 70s and have virtually everything they want. They live in the same home I grew up in and if I even mention the word “upgrade” or “remodel”, they shush me. My Mom likes her well-worn furniture, because it is comfortable. And that’s what counts.

So what to get them, what to get them? I really wanted a thoughtful present, one that took more time than grabbing a gift from a shelf at Kohl’s. And then it struck me. The perfect gift: the gift of home care literally.

Chances are your parents are older and they shouldn’t be crawling around on ladders or moving furniture to remove the dust bunnies on the floor. Here’s five great ideas that you can either hire or do yourself that could be a lifeline for your parents in their home:

  • A handyman. Whether it’s an apartment or a house, things break. If my Dad
    attempts a “Honey Do” project, it costs us twice as much to undo his repairs!
    Find a qualified handyman to take care of all those annoying repairs that need
    to be made.
  • A caregiver. If one of your parents is caring for the other, give them a
    break. At FirstLight Home Care, our caregivers can provide respite care on an
    hourly, short term or long term basis. Our senior care services can provide
    welcome relief!
  • Window washer and gutter cleaning.  Although this isn’t a very exciting holiday gift, it’s a home maintenance item that is virtually impossible for seniors to tackle.
  • Carpet cleaning. My parents have two dogs and with the mud they drag in, their carpets need to be cleaned. With failing eye sight, they don’t seem to notice
    the spots and dirt!
  • Housekeeper. My Mom prides herself on still being able to clean the house. However, it could really use a deep clean, getting to spots where she can’t reach.

Many seniors are too proud to admit they need help, particularly around the house with everyday activities we take for granted. Help your parents spruce up their home for the holidays!

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