
We will list events where we are participating or sponsoring on this page. Continue to scroll down to see the full list of events:

October 13, 2022
Recent Participation at Wellesley Council on Aging
We recently participated in the Health & Wellness Fair at the Wellesley Council on Aging where we met so many wonderful people. (Photo on the Left: Melissa Coutts, Care Coordinator; Right: Hillary Tarr, Manager of Client Care Services). It is always energizing to participate in events in the communities where we provide care services.

October 16, 2022
Office Team Participates in Greater Boston Alzheimer's Walk
Thank you to our office team and other staff members, Clients, professional referral sources and many other friends who made a donation to the Greater Boston Alzheimer’s Walk recently. We greatly appreciated your support of the Alzheimer’s Association’s important mission of education, awareness, advocacy–and critically, research. You helped raise over $4,000!