We are proud to be a 2022 Patron-level supporter/donor to the Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) and member of the affiliated, Massachusetts Business Immigration Coalition. We support their efforts to expand opportunities for all foreign-born people and their children, so they can make the most of their talent and labor. We commend MIRA’s mission to help identify and remove barriers to integration, working with local and state leaders as well as nonprofits and businesses to craft more inclusive policies that benefit the entire communities.
With a predominantly foreign-born workforce, FirstLight Home Care of West Suburban Boston and Boston-Back Bay is a passionate supporter of continued employment opportunities and quality of life improvements in our immigrant communities. FirstLight Home Care President & Co-Owner, Steve Stern, has participated in a panel program sponsored by the Charles River Chamber of Commerce, (Steve, pictured on far right) where he discussed the importance of immigrants to the home care industry, in general and the high-quality, dedication, and passion of FirstLight’s foreign-born, professional, employee caregivers. Steve also shared some of the day-to-day challenges which foreign-born caregivers face including child care, transportation, and housing.
Our commitment to social and economic justice also extends to two other organizations. We support WATCH CDC, a community organizing non-profit, serving the Waltham area, which is working to build a community in which residents of all backgrounds have sufficient resources to meet their needs, have a voice in local decision-making, are represented in positions of power, and have the opportunity to pursue their dreams. We also support Africano or African Cultural Services, a non-profit which organizes after-school programs, community cultural events, school outreach programs, and professional development opportunities to the African immigrant and low-income communities in the Waltham area.